Thursday, February 17, 2011

Doctors + AAA Album/Single + Ear Issues

I'm going to go out of order because my ear hurts and i feel like rambling about it.
It hurts so much like not that sharp pain whenever you do something. Like that. Pulsing pain that doesn't go away and hurts even more when you lay down.
I've got a severe fear of Needles but i can handle pain pretty fine but when my mom was looking at my ear earlier i started crying and had to pull away.
Going to the doctor on friday? I believe.

Which makes it three trips to the doctors this week.
I went in and got my TB test checked out for postive or negative
and it waaaaaaas
Hoorah! I can work with childrens. 

A lot of places wont let you work with kids unless you have a TB test. I was also suppose to get the whooping cough vaccine but turns out i got that back in 2008. So we cool.

Enough doctor talk! Haha 
Afterwards i drove to the fedex place where i picked uppppppp
BUZZ COMMUNICATION and Daiji Na Koto!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was funny the fedex lady came out laughing like
"THIS?! Is a cd?!" I stared it for a moment because.
It looked like this.

Yes i've got a girly purse.
Anyway. Weird huh? haha xDD It was kind of awkward to carry out. I opened it in my car only Daiji to listen to it so theres some weird color photos and then some normal ones.

I love it when they come like. Sealed in bubble wrap. Just. LOL.
Anyway i opened Daiji in the car so i could listen to it on the way home<3
I got to fully open everything when i got home!
Seems like only Daiji got nice photos xDD

I got two Nissys, It amuses me. I expected girls, wanted Hidaka. Got two Nissy xDD
I love LOVE LOVE Digest<3 Just ohmygod. Digest and Step<333 I looped those in my car haha.
Was amazing. My mom Also fell in love with the poster. She said they look very "Fasionable" and "older"

Haha xDD As if the day couldent get any better, After all this she paid for dinner at my fav place ever<3

 Chipotle. Its a Mexican restraunt. Just omg there veggie burritos. I lllllooooooove there food to no end *w*

This day ended quite nicely<3 Im really happy my albums came in<3 the fedex people are so nice to!
Haha Intresting blog toddaay~~

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