Sunday, March 6, 2011

Crazy Day!!

Hey blog! I've missed you hahaa i havent updated in ages >>
Anyway! Today! Oh my gosh! The story of today xDD

I got my licence finally in the mail two days ago(See in CA you have your permit as a temporarily licence after you passed until the real one arrives in 6-8 weeks)

Anyway it finally came in

(ahhh i look so unattactivveee haha)

Anyway! My mommy asked me to drive her to Target(A store around here xD its like sells clothes jewelry games but now food??) And so i said i would if i got frozen yogurt as payment. AND TADAAAA

And then afterwards she suprised me like "Were going to get the stuff to fix your hair today" My roots have been growing out so we bought the bleach and everything i needed.

So here they are~!! Adding bleach and then orange again \o/ im a carrot of gingertasticness once moreee

Anyway today i finally found my wallet so i was like SCORE. I can put my licence away.
To discover i no longer had said licence.
and somewhere between getting home and going to Target i lost it.
So i had to drive ALLLLL the way back to Target a day later. And i started where we went first and moved on. Target didn't have it, the Yogurt place didn't have it. And lucky me the hair place hhhhhaaaad it!!
I wanted to cry from joy right then and there xDD
I got home and was like LOOOOOK GUYS LOOOK LOOK WHAT I FOUND haha 
and then we went out to dinner with family(Sooo awkward) I got Shrimp pad thai annnnnnnd


Crazy crazy crazy crazy day haha xDD Now i have to reply to LJ comments and everything! Insanitttyyyy!!! I miss you blog i promise to update soon!! 

1 comment:

  1. Omg, you lost your license on the first day O_O!
    But I'm glad you found it, waah x_x!!

    And waaah, I never dyed my hair actually O.O
    It looks nice!! I want a blue haircut now XD!!
